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产品名称: HZ-UI5000 电子镇流器综合性能测试仪
产品型号: HZ-UI5000
产品单价: 面议
日期: 2020-06-05

HZ-UI5000 电子镇流器综合性能测试仪的详细资料


HZ-UI5000 is the updated version of HZ-UI3000 with super-big LCD for displaying waveforms and parameters directly,it includes all the functions and technical parameters of HZ-UI3000. Reports can be printed if printer connected. It also meets the latest test requirements for electronic ballasts in international  standards IEC60929, IEC60969, IEC61000-3-2.

性能 Functions:
◆ 测量参数 Measure parameters:
◇ 输入:电压、电流、功率、功率因数、电网频率、相位角、总谐波及0~39次谐波分量
Input: Vrms, lrms, W, PF, Hz, phase angle, total harmonic and 0~39th harmonic components
◇ 输出:灯电压、灯电流、灯丝电流、导入阴电流、灯功率、波峰系数、振荡频率、高频波单个波分析
Output: Lamp voltage, lamp current, filament current, guided cathodic current, lamp power, crest
factor and oscillatory frequency, single high frequency pulse analysis
◇ 启动:启动过程灯电压、灯电流、灯丝电流、导入阴电流变化曲线及参数,预热时间
Startup: Startup lamp voltage, lamp current, filament current, guided cathodic current curve and
parameter, preheating time
◇ 预热能量测试:预热能量及灯丝预热启动时间,电子镇流器启动后0~5秒内灯丝电压、灯丝电流、灯丝功率的变化曲线
Pre-heat energy test: test pre-heat energy and filament pre-heat time, test parameter changing curves of filament voltage,
filament current, and filament  power from 0 to 5 seconds after startup
◆ 输入度 Input accuracy: ±(0.1% reading+0.1% range+1 digit)
◆ 输出度 Output accuracy: ±(1% reading+1% range+2 digit)
◆ 八窗口显示输入特性、输出特性参数,便于比较、分析
8 windows for displaying input and output parameters simultaneously, convenient for comparison and analysis
◆ 输入电流测试频响1MHz,能够测量电子镇流器
Frequency response up to 1MHz lrms, content to every EB
◆ 分析灯电流包络波的对称性 Analysis symmetry of lamp current envelope
◆ 引入速采样,可动态分析单个高频波,zui高采样频率高达10MHz
Super high speed A/D with sampling rate up to 10MHz, dynamically analyzing single high frequency pulse
◆ 测试快速,1秒钟实现输入、输出参数测试
Input and output parameters tested simultaneously within 1 second
◆ 便携型,内含单片微机,尤其适用于开发和现场,能够打印参数及波形、曲线
Portable style with single board micro-computer suitable for R&D and manufacturing spot, parameters and curves can be printed
◆ 可以与PC机通讯,提供软件,在中文版Windows98/2000/XP/Vista下运行,人机界面好,美观,操 作方便;中英文版面同时提供
Special program running under Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista provided for communication with PC, both English and Chinese version